Paul's Criminal Justice Page

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Careers in Criminology and Criminal Justice

The following careers are available to students with degrees in Criminology and Criminal Justice, thought specific careers may require additional qualifications. [back to main career & job page] is a 100% free, non-commercial website that offers more specific information on a variety of criminal justice careers listed below. 

Law Enforcement

Police Officer Canine Officer Mounted Officer
Harbor Police Launch Officer County Sheriff/Deputy Bailiff
Detective State Trooper Vice Squad Officer
Fraud Investigator Security Analyst Corporate Criminal Investigation
Property Officer Loss Prevention Manager Loss Control Manager
Director of Airport Security Animal Cruelty Investigator Security Operations Manager
Insurance Investigator Director of Campus Security Public Safety Officer
Accident Prevention Squad Officer Conservation Officer Private Investigator

 Books related to Law Enforcement Careers


Federal Law Enforcement

FBI Officer



U.S. Customs


Border Patrol


Secret Service

U.S. Postal Service


US Marshall

Homeland Security

Law and Courts

Juvenile Court Judge Probate Judge Defense attorney
Pre-trial Officer Paralegal Juvenile Court Register

Prosecuting Attorney

Court Clerk

Legal Assistant/Researcher

Corrections, Probation and Parole

Corrections Officer Federal Correction Officer Corrections Counselor
Adult Probation Officer Federal Probation Officer Parole Officer
Juvenile Probation Officer Classification Supervisor Community Corrections Officer
Diversion Services Officer Victim Witness Assistant Hispanic/Latino Outreach Coordinator

Other Positions:

Forensic Anthropologist Criminal Justice Researcher Evaluation Assistant
Assistant Professor of Criminology Crime Scene Investigator Criminal Justice Data Archivist
Case Manager/Worker Substance Abuse Counselor/Therapist Chemical Dependency Counselor/Clinician


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