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CRM/SOCL 412 Law & Society  Fall 2008  

T - Th 2:00 - 3:15   416 Pray Harrold

Required Readings

Paul Leighton and Jeffrey Reiman, Criminal Justice Ethics

I am building a companion website to Criminal Justice Ethics, which can be a helpful resource in clarifying parts of the reading and/or exploring topics that interest you. 

More information on Plagiarism and citing internet sources

Student Conduct Code

Recommended Reading 

Henry & Hinkle, Careers in Criminal Justice (Sheffield) 1879215438

Tobocman, You Don’t Have to Fuck People Over to Survive (Soft Skull) 1887125352

Murakimi. Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche. (Vintage)  0375725806.

Randall Kennedy, Nigger (Pantheon Books) 0375421726

Jack Olsen. Last Man Standing: Tragedy and Triumph of Geronimo Pratt. Anchor (2001) 0385493681.


Date Required Reading

Click here for syllabus (adobe.pdf) | Career & Job Info

Sept 4 Introduction & Greeting I would recommend bookmarking this page for further reference. You may need to hit the Reload/Refresh button to get the latest version. 
Sept 9 Reiman, CJ Ethics (intro); Nash, Teaching Ethics If Reiman’s chapter introducing the moral theories is complex, please use the links on the class webpage to explore the companion information on the internet. Each theory has a summary and additional links to explain key concepts.
Sept 11 Part 1, Bazelon
Sept 16 Part 1, Katz
Sept 18

Part 2, Feinberg p 87-88 (skip section 4) & 92 (Mill) - 108

Class will cover substantial material not in the text

IN CLASS QUIZ #1: In the reading for today, Feinberg discusses ‘the presumptive case for liberty.’ Drawing from this section of the reading, your quiz will ask: (1) what is the relationship between liberty and self-realization; and (2) what are some of the ‘social benefits’ that are related to freedom? [4 points]

Sept 23 Part 2, Drug debate (Trebach and Inciardi)
Sept 25 Part 2, Prostitution (In re P; MacKinnon; Committee for Prostitutes’ Rights)

IN CLASS QUIZ #2: Read the article on the feminist clash over prostitution. Your quiz will ask: (1) in 3-4 sentences, describe Audrey’s story and the larger point(s) it makes; (2) in 3-4 sentences, describe Brenda Myers’ story and the larger point(s) it makes; and (3) what arguments are made for and against legalization and decriminalization [6 points]

Sept 30 Part 2, Hate Crime (Wisc v Mitchell)

IN CLASS QUIZ #3: Read the summary of Virginia v Black. Your quiz will ask: (1) what are the facts that gave rise to the case; (2) what is the basic question in the case; and (3) what are 2 of the Court’s reasons [on the webpage, these are identified as (a) (b) and (c)] [6 points]  

Oct 2 Part 2, Corporate Violence (Reiman, AMA)
Oct 7

TEST 1 remember to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the first person has left

Oct 9 Appendix on Codes of Ethics; Part 3, Kleinig;  
Oct 14 Part 3, Skolnick & Leo; Brewer v Williams (on web)

IN CLASS QUIZ #4: Read the edited opinion in Brewer v Williams (the 'Christian Burial' case). The quiz will ask: (a) what are the facts that gave rise to the case; (b) what is the reasoning of the majority; and (c) the reasoning of the dissent. [6 points]

Oct 16 Part 3, Marx; US v Tobias;
Oct 21 Part 3, Selective Enforcement (Kleinig, Reiman) IN CLASS QUIZ #5: Read Part III of Why Driving While Black Matters, where the author lists six specific reasons. The quiz will ask you to review THREE of these reasons as well as their definition or explanation. This material will also be on the test. [6 points]
Oct 23 Part 4, Lawyers’ Ethics - Haskell, Schneyer
Oct 28 Part 4, Amar & Cochran debate Defendants' Rights
Oct 30 Part 4, Weinstein, Kipnis
Nov 4

TEST 2 remember to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the first person has left

link for bonus question

Nov 6 Part 5, Treatment of Inmates - Gorman
Nov 11 Part 5, Treatment of Inmates - Newman

We will be watching a talk given by Dr Ron Huff on wrongful conviction. This was part of a distinguished lecture series that is available on Youtube. We will be playing it in class or you can watch it on your own. The talk is broken down into seven segments. Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Part 7. [Class participation exercise and points]

  • As DNA testing frees increasing numbers of innocents from prison, Maryland and other states across the country are facing a politically sensitive and morally complex calculus: What is the value of a life unjustly spent behind bars? "What's a prison rape worth?" asked Ronald Kuby, a New York lawyer who has worked on compensation cases. "What's missing your child's first day of school worth? Not being with your parents as they lay dying? Having your parents go to their graves with you branded a convict?" ("Putting A Price on Innocents' Lost Years" Washington Post, 4 Oct 2004, p A1)

  • The story I mentioned in class about the 17 year old who was convicted but recently freed from death at 34 is here: Vindicated by DNA, but a lost man on the outside. The New York Times has interviewed many people who were wrongfully convicted and put them together in a multimedia feature where you can list to their stories

  • The Australian Govt released a study of wrongful convictions in that country, with recommendations for compensation to "help bring these Australian jurisdictions into line with international human rights best practice."

Nov 18 Part 5: National Council of Churches on death penalty; Nathanson, Reiman, van den Haag exchange; American Medical Association
Nov 20 finish death penalty material from book

IN CLASS QUIZ #6: Read this statement by the president of the ASA. Be prepared to answer the following questions: (1) in this context, who is the ASA, (2) which of the following actions is ethical for them to perform - selecting injection sites; starting intravenous lines as a port for a lethal injection device; prescribing, preparing, administering, or supervising injection drugs or their doses or types; inspecting, testing, or maintaining lethal injection devices; and consulting with or supervising lethal injection personnel, and (3) does the ASA President feel that having the execution chamber be more like an operating room is good or bad? Why?

You do not need to read it for the test, but the Court dealt with this issue in Baze v Rees. The ASA (pdf) and the other by some veterinarians (pdf) filed a brief on the chemicals used in lethal injection. If it is helpful, see the background brief written by Cornell Law School, and there are links to additional briefs and information through my blog entry on this case. The Supreme Court upheld Kentucky's lethal injection - link to summary of opinion and full written opinions. 

Nov 27 – 30 Thanksgiving Vacation

Dec 2 Part 6, Strossen and Allen debate
Dec 4 Part 6, Reiman

IN CLASS QUIZ #7:  Read the column about RFID chip implants and employment. Your quiz will ask: (1) what does RFID stand for and what does the chip do; (2) what are the concerns about the chips, both general and as related to employment; and (3) what are the author’s concerns about the California law? [6 points]

Dec 9 Part 6,  Seagal; Leighton / Review
Dec 11

Final Exam  - 1:30 - 3 (not regular class time)

Link for bonus question - know facts, question and argument on both sides for maximum credit

remember to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the first person has left



If you're graduating, congratulations. Whether or not you are graduating, check out the commencement address given by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. He discusses dropping out of college (he never graduated), getting fired from Apple (a company he helped start) and dealing with cancer. 

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.


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