An International Journal
Criminology is the official journal of the American Society of
Criminology’s Division on Critical Criminology.
Paul Leighton's term as editor has ended. The Journal remains active, but these pages
will not be updated beyond what occurred during Paul's editorship.
Please check the journal's
official homepage at Springer (formerly Kluwer) for current
The full text of all
articles is available via
Criminology's official homepage at Springer (click on
the volume/issue, then the article, and login or purchase access)
Toward a Gendered
Social Bond/Male Peer Support Theory of University Woman Abuse
Despite many calls for integrated woman
abuse theories, few have made any such attempt. Taking as a
starting point that gender blind and conservative theories may still
have some value, Hirschi’s social bond theory is fleshed out with
insights from feminist male peer support theory and other critical
perspectives. The goal is not a formal new theory but rather a
heuristic designed to show the value of adding feminist insight to
gender blind theory. Hirschi is turned upside down with an
argument that attachment and involvement with conventional peers may in
fact promulgate violence against women on the college campus, when it is
noted that conventional institutions are patriarchal and part of a rape
culture. University groups (social fraternities, sports teams,
etc.) may enforce adherence through homophobia and group pressure, while
promoting a hypermasculine culture that encourages men to use coercion
and force to increase their “count” of sexual encounters. [Access
full text via SpringerLink] |
The Use of Incarceration
in the United States
James Austin, Marino A. Bruce, Leo
Carroll, Patricia L. McCall, Stephen C. Richards (American
Society of Criminology, National Policy Committee)
The past two decades have produced a profound
increase in imprisonment in the United States, resulting in a prison
population of two million and expenditures of over $35 billion annually
on corrections, while other important government services are
underfunded. Imprisonment is highest for minority males largely because
of the war on drugs, which has also dramatically increased the
incarceration of women and created nearly 1.5 million children having a
parent incarcerated. The American Society of Criminology (ASC) is
greatly concerned about these trends. President Roland Chilton directed
the ASC National Policy Committee (NPC) to draft a policy paper on the
incarceration issue, and the ASC Executive Board directed the NPC to
develop a policy paper on "Incarceration Trends” that would not
speak for the Society but to its membership. This article explains the
main ideas, themes and recommendations of the
full policy paper. It analyzes the sources and effects of the
increased use of imprisonment, drawing attention to the negative effects
of excessive incarceration -- a topic the NPC believes criminologists
have paid insufficient attention. The paper and its
recommendations reflect a concern that the ASC needs to set a research
agenda that is independent of the federal government and conventional
wisdom. The NPC hopes this paper will stimulate a healthy
and much overdue debate on the role of the ASC in public policy in
general, and the merits of widespread incarceration in particular. [Access
full text via SpringerLink] |
Peter Singer’s
‘Heavy Petting’ and the Politics of Animal Sexual Assault
paper confronts Peter Singer’s controversial suggestion that
human-animal sexual relations should be tolerated if they do not involve
cruelty, a pseudo-liberal position contradicted by the author’s recent
testimony to the Maine State Legislature in favor of a Bill to
criminalise bestiality. Against Singer the paper argues that
human-animal sex is a harm that is wrong for the same reasons as is
inter-human assault - because it involves coercion, produces pain and
suffering, and violates the rights of another being. Positively,
however, Singer’s text opens up for much overdue discussion some
difficult questions about the politics of animal sexual assault. [Access
full text via SpringerLink]
Beirne's syllabus on Animal Abuse (Animals and Society section of
American Sociological Association) |
Crime and Crime Control
in an Age of Globalization
essay examines the impact of globalization on both crime and crime
control at the national and global levels. In order to make conceptual
sense out of the transforming nature of these activities at the turn of
the 21st Century, a threefold analysis is presented: (1) an
overview of the three traditional developmental models of crime and
crime control -- modernization, world system, and opportunity; (2) a
characterization of crime and crime control in relationship to the more
recently emerging models of globalization; and (3) a discussion of the
implications of the dialectical relations between the models of
development and the models of globalization. Assessments of the models
and other provisional conclusions are drawn based on a recent 15
nation-state survey of both crime and crime control in developed,
developing and post-traditional nation-states. [Access
full text via SpringerLink] |
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