An International Journal
Criminology is the official journal of the American Society of
Criminology’s Division on Critical Criminology.
Paul Leighton's term as editor has ended. The Journal remains active, but these pages
will not be updated beyond what occurred during Paul's editorship.
Please check the journal's
official homepage at Springer (formerly Kluwer) for current
The full text of all
articles is available via
Criminology's official homepage at Springer (click on
the volume/issue, then the article, and login or purchase access)
Tombs and Dave Whyte
Even in formally open, liberal,
‘democratic’ states, a series of barriers exist as obstacles to
critical criminologists who wish to conduct research that scrutinises
the activities of powerful states and corporations. Much evidence
suggests that in the current political climate, the barring of access to
sources of data, neo-liberal re-configurations in the funding of
research, and the narrowing of publishing and dissemination
opportunities to counter-hegemonic voices are severely limiting the
ability to conduct critical research. This paper reports on recent
experiences of researchers concerned with unmasking the crimes of the
powerful and argues that, despite the considerable obstacles that power
uses to obscure and mystify the illegal and violent practices engaged in
by states and corporations, there remains fertile space around research
agendas, and in universities, for critical researchers to exploit. In
order to gain insight from the ways in which researchers can, and do
establish alternative agendas, this paper seeks to explore some of the
principles which might inform and encourage those forms of resistance,
and to set out precisely how we might continue to subject the powerful
to scrutiny. [Access
full text via SpringerLink]
This article is based on the
forthcoming book: Tombs, S. and Whyte, D., eds. Researching
the Crimes of the Powerful. Peter Lang: New York. (2003)
Karen L. McKie
Following the execution of two German
nationals in the United States in 2001, the International Court of
Justice (ICJ) found the U.S. in violation of international law stating
that foreign nationals must be notified of their right to contact their
embassy. When they learned of this right ten years after their arrest,
they were barred from raising the claim and after exhausting available
avenues in American courts, the German consulate took the case to the
International Court of Justice. The U.S. executed the two men while the
case was still before the ICJ, in spite of its request to stay the
execution and German objections that “violations of Article 36
followed by death sentences and executions cannot be remedied by
apologies or the distribution of leaflets.” This paper discusses the
importance of consular notification to the fairness of prosecutions.
Cases reviewed here indicate the U.S. still frequently does not provide
notification and is at times oblivious to the ICJ’s ruling. The paper
discusses reasons the U.S. should honor notification, including
reciprocity for Americans traveling abroad and the larger development of
international law. A final section provides several mechanisms for
bringing U.S. practices into compliance that could be easily
implemented. [Access
full text via SpringerLink]
the past two decades or so a misguided, militaristic "war on
drugs" has been waged through a variety of means, including drug
interdiction programs on the streets and highways of the United States,
and high-profile campaigns in the United States media designed to
construct drug use as a dangerous social problem. Yet during this same
period, a far more deadly social problem--the death of some 40,000
people a year in automobile accidents along these same streets and
highways--has largely been excluded from public consciousness and public
debate. Recently, a remarkable convergence of circumstances made visible
this profound imbalance in public awareness and public policy, and
perhaps even began to remedy it. The roadside shrines that decorate the
highways of New Mexico and other states likewise serve this purpose,
encoding the collective tragedy of automotive death in the cultural
landscape; they challenge critical criminologists to find in the
shrines' tragic beauty and ongoing accumulation a new focus, a new
everyday criminology of the automobile that extends the well known
corporate crime literature on this industry.
full text via SpringerLink]
Read excerpts
from his article with photos of shrines taken by the author |
The Theory of
Differential Oppression: A Developmental-Ecological Explanation of
Adolescent Problem Behavior
Beverly Kingston, Bob Regoli and John
The developmental-ecological perspective provides a means for understanding how the oppression of children occurs within multiple social contexts that interrelate to produce harmful outcomes for children. Because children lack power due to their age, size, and lack of resources, they are easy targets for adult oppression. Children are exposed to different levels and types of oppression that vary depending on their age, level of development, socioeconomic class, race, and the beliefs and perceptions of their parents. According to the theory of differential oppression, oppression leads to adaptive reactions by children: passive acceptance; exercise of illegitimate coercive power; manipulation of one’s peers; and retaliation. Reducing the oppressive acts of adults and alleviating the damaging circumstances that characterize the social environment of children is critical to reducing the prevalence of juvenile delinquency and other problem behaviors.
full text via SpringerLink]
Review of Critical Criminology at the Edge: Postmodern Perspectives, Integration, and Applications by Dragan Milovanovic
Review of In Bad Company: America''s Terrorist Underground by Mark S. Hamm
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