An International Journal
Criminology is the official journal of the American Society of
Criminology’s Division on Critical Criminology.
Paul Leighton's term as editor has ended. The Journal remains active, but these pages
will not be updated beyond what occurred during Paul's editorship.
Please check the journal's
official homepage at Springer (formerly Kluwer) for current
The full text of all
articles is available via
Criminology's official homepage at Springer (click on
the volume/issue, then the article, and login or purchase access)
Working For Criminalization Of
Economic Offending: Contradictions For Critical Criminology?
Anne Alvesalo and Steve Tombs
While economic crime and its ’control’ deserve
the scrutiny of critical criminology, there are problems in being a critical
economic crime criminologist. The conclusion that criminal law in
this area be strictly and consistently enforced seems inconsistent with
critical criminology’s warnings regarding the dangers of
criminalization as a response to social problems. This article reports
upon this dilemma in the specific context of research on a recent
Finnish initiative to combat economic crime that resulted in the authors
intervening in policy-debates to argue for even greater criminalization
of such crime. The article describes and reflects upon this
pro-criminalization strategy. It provides an overview of the research
project and some of the dangers associated with the advocacy of greater
criminalization that emerged from it, and which are raised more
generally by critical criminologists. It concludes justifying why, in
the particular context within which this project was conducted, the
approach adopted towards conducting the research, disseminating findings
and advocating criminalization. [Access
full text via SpringerLink]
For background, read
Regulating Business: the Emergence of an Economic Crime Control Programme in Finland
by Anne Alvesalo and Steve Tombs (Full text available free online. Papers from the British Society of Criminology Conference,
See also Paul Leighton &
Jeffrey Reiman,
A Tale of Two Criminals: We're tougher on Corporate
Criminals, But They Still Don't get What They Deserve
Racial Composition Of
Television Offenders And Viewers’ Fear Of Crime
Sarah Eschholz
Scholars, politicians, criminal justice professionals and member of the general public
frequently link the media to the United States crime problem. Although many scholars have noted the televised construction of young black males as the stereotypical criminal, no study has ever measured how the race-specific content of media messages may be related to viewers’ perceptions and fears relating to crime This paper breaks with past research that analyzes fear of crime by program genre, and instead explores the impact of the racial composition of television offenders on viewers’ fear of crime. The data include a content analysis of twenty-six crime-related programs and a telephone survey of 1492 adults to explore the relationship between television viewing and fear of crime. For African Americans there is a correlation between time spent viewing television and fear of crime. For Whites, the relative frequency of African American offenders in the television programs is more important for predicting fear of crime than the amount of television they watch. [Access
full text via SpringerLink]
A Struggle to Inquire
Without Becoming an Un-Critical Non-Criminologist
Hal Pepinsky
This essay explores effects that getting to know those involved in child custody struggles over allegations of sexual abuse, and survivors of ritual abuse and mind control, have had on the development of my own theory of how to make peace in the face of violence on the one hand, and on how I am received professionally on the other. This paper provides background of how I came to be involved with these survivors and why I am considered deviant for listening to them while other criminologists focus on generating ‘knowledge’ based on people they hardly know. The conclusion of the paper reflects on some important insights for peacemaking criminology gained from the extraordinary survivors who build trusting, trustworthy lives with partners and friends, who offer lessons on what it takes to move away from sadism toward compassion—to transform a culture into more community and less violence.
full text via SpringerLink]
For more information, see Hal's book, A CRIMINOLOGIST’S QUEST FOR PEACE,
which is freely available on the web through
In Critical Cultural Criminology: An Analysis Of Reactions To
Avant-Garde Flag Art
Welch, John Sassi, Allyson McDonough
As a popular motif in American art, images of the U.S. flag remind citizens of the importance of culture in promoting patriotism. Still, the prevailing aesthetic commands a dignified representation of the Stars and Stripes, shunning political criticism and disrespect for the nation's most cherished emblem. Amid the controversy over flag burning in 1989, artist Dread Scott unveiled his work What is the Proper Way to Display the U.S. Flag? at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In that piece, Old Glory was placed on the floor of the gallery, inciting enormous public outrage. As a form of interactive art, Scott invited visitors to record their thoughts about the flag in a ledger book furnished at the exhibit. More than 1,600 messages were transcribed in the ledger book, thus becoming an intriguing source of unobtrusive data. This research sets out to explore societal reaction to Scott's artwork by administering a content analysis of the entries contained in the ledger book. While interpreting prominent themes framing the conflict over flag desecration, this work contributes to a critical cultural criminology. In particular, the analysis brings to the forefront the significance of power, hierarchies, and social inequality driving criminalization campaigns aimed at controlling avant-garde flag art and political dissent.
full text via SpringerLink]
also, Michael Welch, Flag Burning: Moral Panic and the Criminalization of Protest (Social Problems and Social Issues).
This book is reviewed in v 11 #2 of Critical
by Joanne Belknap
This book provides an important and necessary contribution to the current
understanding of intimate partner violence. The primary contributions are understanding (1) the importance of
immigrant status as a risk factor in domestic violence; (2) how both
informal and formal responses to domestic violence are related to
immigrant status; (3) how immigrant status is related to resistance
factors for battered women; (4) how immigrant status, gender, race, and
class intersect; and (5) the development and struggles of advocacy
groups for battered women within South Asian communities in the U.S.
Abraham points out that much of the research on battered women focuses
on white women, or simply fails to address racial or ethnic differences.
the Unspeakable
is convincing in its portrayal of the unique risks South Asian battered
women in the U.S. face. Through
frequent excerpts from the intensive interviews with 25 South Asian
women (from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Nepal),
they become very real to the reader. She is correct in arguing that qualitative interviews are
necessary for understanding these women’s unique plight, allowing them
their own voices to describe their situations. Although much of the domestic violence they experience is similar
to what is described in the existing research on battered women who are
not South Asian immigrants, the book is at its most powerful in helping
the reader understand the vulnerability of a woman in the U.S. whose
national origin, and possibly language and citizenship barriers, place
her at additional risk of domestic violence. Furthermore, these factors limit her abilities to escape from
these relationships.
full text via SpringerLink]
by: Deborah Chester
Zimring’s argument is the assumption that America’s fear of youth
violence is irrational and unsupported. According to the author, what is most problematic are the legal
principles that have developed to deal with this misrepresented group of
youth, particularly in response to the surge in juvenile violent crime
in the early 1990s. Projections
of continued increases of youth violence and the perception of the
emergence of a more dangerous breed of juvenile offenders are fueling
ever more punitive youth policies. The aim of the book is to provide an
empirically-based and associated balanced examination of youth violence
in the United States.
book consists of ten chapters separated into three parts. Part I includes an empirical examination of youth violence in the
1990s. Part II is devoted to examining the complexities, and, oftentimes
contradictions, surrounding legal principles and policy options
available in response to youths’ violent acts. In the last section,
Zimring provides a discussion of youth violence and the future of the
juvenile court, and argues that the fear of youth violence has created a
more punitive, less protective juvenile court for all accused
delinquents. The book concludes with a chapter on youth violence and
policy. The author’s argument is that rather than being the center of
attention, youth violence should play a minor role in government policy.
This book should be of interest to policy makers, elected officials,
researchers, and students. It
could be used as text for a number of upper level or graduate
criminology and criminal justice courses focusing on delinquency,
violent behavior, and policy. [Access
full text via SpringerLink]
by Barbara Hudson
of imprisonment are all too often detached from theoretical debates and
perspectives which are current in other fields of sociology of
punishment and control. While
there are, of course, important exceptions to this generalisation, there
is every reason to welcome a new, albeit small, body of
sociological studies on prisons, that brings insights of the newer theories
of gender, identity and power, to bear on the study of regimes and
inmates. Bosworth's
study is a significant addition to this body of work.
Bosworth explores the
world of the women's prison through two sets of related concepts:
identity and resistance; agency and power. She talks to women inmates about their experiences of and
feelings about various aspects of prison life - relations between
prisoners and officers; relationships among prisoners; education and
work; discipline; self-harm and medical issues - and shows how clashing
and contested ideas of womanhood become sites for struggles of
powerlessness and empowerment, resistance and suppression, identity and
anonymity. She gives
vivid examples of the ways in which 'womanhood' can be both means of
oppression and means of resistance in prisons. For example, stereotypes of womanhood deny female prisoners
opportunities to learn the trades that might help them gain employment
outside, but at other times (such as the example she gives of using
'feminine problems' to have harsh toilet paper replaced by soft), women
use their female biology to embarrass a male governor into giving them
what they want; conventional ideas of ‘the good mother’ give them
little choice in the ways they try to relate to their children, but
provides a source of identity more powerful than that of ‘prisoner’
or ‘offender’.
The book explores the
ways in which identities and allegiances are mediated by class and race
as well as gender, detailing the different experiences and difficulties
of prisoners living abroad; the different reactions of officials to
demands for religious observance for women of differing race and class
backgrounds; the ways in which coming from the same neighbourhood makes
for stronger bonds than being of the same ethnic group. Although she discusses sexuality, its implications for female
identity and agency are not as fully developed as are the other
structural factors of race and class.
Empirical detail is
joined to a substantial and illuminating discussion of the debates
around the theory and politics of identity
and resistance.
These ideas are prominent in much of the most
influential contemporary feminist work in social theory, and are seen as
crucial to maintaining focus on gendered oppression whilst taking note
of the post-structuralist and post-modernist critiques of unitary
concepts of 'woman' and 'power'. To date, these ideas in their theoretically articulated forms
have had little impact on criminology. That the book not only presents them and their critiques in
accessible, comprehensible terms but puts them to work to such good
effect means that it is already prominent on my reading lists, and
deserves to be read by students and academics who are interested in any
aspects of punishment and control, not just women's imprisonment. Bosworth also gives a comprehensive and principled discussion of
feminist research methodology and the value of the 'standpoint'
methodology she uses, which again, makes the book valuable beyond its
immediate topic. [Access
full text via SpringerLink]
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