CRM/SOCL 412 Law & Society
Paul Leighton and Jeffrey Reiman, Criminal
Justice Ethics
The companion
website to Criminal Justice Ethics can be a helpful resource in
clarifying parts of the reading and/or exploring topics that interest
Conduct Code
University guidelines, policies, and procedures
If you have problems
keeping the right files with you, check out SugarSync,
which makes your documents available from any computer by keeping them on a
secure website - no more thumb drives or emailing yourself documents.
Recommended Reading
Jeanne Flavin. Our
Bodies, Our Crimes. (New York University Press) 0814727549.
Seth Tobocman, You Don’t Have to Fuck People Over to
Survive (Soft Skull) 1887125352
Murakimi. Underground:
The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche. (Vintage)
Aaron James. Assholes: A Theory . (Doubleday) 0385535651.
Olsen. Last
Man Standing: Tragedy and Triumph of Geronimo Pratt. (Anchor) 0385493681.
to Find Cheaper College Textbooks NY Times
The Study
Hacks blog teaches students how to do (very) well without burning out. It
preaches the idea that you should: do
less; do better; and know why.
20 Tips to Reduce Academic Procrastination ~ book: Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change
~ Procrastination Research Group
Paying student loans late can damage the credit scores of young adults. And one big reason it's happening is the fact that many among the indebted simply aren't sure how many loans they have, how and when to pay them back correctly and how to find and use programs for people who can't afford the full payments. [Article is helpful in by providing an overview of what you should do and links to information.]
Students’ “on-task behavior” (studying) started declining around the two-minute mark as they began responding to arriving texts or checking their Facebook feeds. By the time the 15 minutes were up, they had spent only about 65 percent of the observation period actually doing their schoolwork. Evidence from psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience suggests that when students multitask while doing schoolwork, their learning is far spottier and shallower than if the work had their full attention. They understand and remember less, and they have greater difficulty transferring their learning to new contexts.
Continuous partial attention arises from the desire to "connect and be connected." But "in large doses, it contributes to a stressful lifestyle, to operating in crisis management mode, and to a compromised ability to reflect, to make decisions, and to think creatively. In a 24/7, always-on world, continuous partial attention used as our dominant attention mode contributes to a feeling of overwhelm, over-stimulation and to a sense of being unfulfilled."
Date |
Reading |
Click here for syllabus
(.pdf) | Career
& Job Info
Jan 6 |
Introduction &
Greeting |
I would recommend bookmarking this page for
further reference. You may need to hit the Reload/Refresh button to get
the latest version.
Jan 11 |
Reiman, CJ
Ethics (intro); Nash, Teaching Ethics |
Reiman’s chapter introducing the moral theories is complex, please explore the companion information on the
internet. Each theory has a summary and additional links to explain key
- The Rights of Man... and Beast (NY Times) - lawyer's campaign to use habeas corpus to get a hearing for intelligent animals that are subjected to inhumane conditions. They are not human beings, he argues, but they are 'persons' who deserve legal standing because of their capabilities.
Jan 13 |
Part 1,
Bazelon |
Jan 18 |
No Classes |
Jan 20 |
Part 1,
Katz |
Jan 25 |
Part 2,
Feinberg p 87-88 (skip section 4) & 92 (Mill) - 108
Class will cover substantial
material not in the text
In the reading for today, Feinberg discusses ‘the presumptive case for
liberty.’ Drawing from this section of the reading, your quiz will ask:
(1) what is the relationship between liberty and self-realization; and (2)
what are three of the ‘social benefits’ that are related to freedom? [5
Jan 27 |
Part 2,
Drug debate (Trebach and Inciardi) |
Feb 1 |
Part 2, Prostitution (In re P; MacKinnon; Committee for
Prostitutes’ Rights) |
IN CLASS QUIZ #2: Read the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Feminist Perspectives on Sex Markets. Read section 2.2 on harms to women. Your quiz will ask you to summarize the arguments of multiple authors who are reviewed. Specifically, 1) for those authors who argue prostitution causes harm to women, what are their arguments? And 2) what is the critique of these positions and what is the argument of those who claim prostitution does not harm women? (You do not need to know the names of those making the arguments, but you need to include the argument of more than one author/theorist on each side of the debate.) [6 points] |
Feb 3 |
Part 2,
Crime (Wisc v Mitchell)
Feb 8 |
Part 2,
Corporate Violence (Reiman, AMA)
Feb 10 |
Review and catch up |
Feb 15 |
TEST 1 remember
to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the
first person has left
There will NOT be extra credit later in the semester, so take this test seriously and study for it.
Feb 17 |
Appendix on Codes of Ethics; Part 3, Kleinig |
Feb 22 - 28 |
Winter Recess |
No Classes |
Feb 29 |
Part 3, Skolnick & Leo; |
WORKSHEET #1: Download the worksheet, then watch the video "Why I Don't Talk to the Police." Type the answers to the questions on the worksheet, print it off and turn it in at the beginning of class. [10 points] |
Mar 2 |
Part 3, Marx; US v Tobias; |
Mar 7 |
Part 3, Selective
Enforcement (Kleinig, Reiman) |
IN CLASS QUIZ #3: Read Why
Driving While Black Matters. Examine Part III, where the author lists
six specific reasons. The quiz will ask you to review THREE of these
reasons as well as their definition or explanation. [6 points]
Mar 9 |
Part 4, Haskell,
Mar 14 |
Part 4, Amar &
Cochran debate Defendants' Rights
Mar 16 |
Part 4, Kipnis, Weinstein |
Mar 21 |
2 remember
to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the
first person has left
There will NOT be extra credit later in the semester, so take this test seriously and study for it.
Mar 23 |
Part 5,
Treatment of Inmates - Gorman |
Mar 28 |
Part 5,
Treatment of Inmates - Newman |
Mar 30 |
Part 5: National Council of Churches on death penalty;
Nathanson, Reiman, van den Haag exchange; American Medical Association |
Apr 4 |
Part 5: National Council of Churches on death penalty;
Nathanson, Reiman, van den Haag exchange; American Medical Association |
WORKSHEET #2: Please download the worksheet about wrongful convictions that is available on the class webpage. Follow the directions to access the materials. Type your answers on the worksheet and turn it in a printed copy at beginning of class. [11 points] |
Apr 6 |
Part 6, Strossen and Allen debate; |
Apr 11 |
Part 6, Reiman |
IN CLASS QUIZ #4: Read Schneier's post The Eternal Value of Privacy. The quiz will ask you: (1) the author rejects the idea that privacy is only about hiding a wrong and he says it is about what (2) why does he say it never occurred to the framers of the Constitution to mention privacy (3) what does he say will happen if we are observed in all matters and (4) the author rejects the debate about security v privacy and suggests it is about what? [7 points] |
Apr 13 |
Part 6, Seagal |
PLEASE NOTE: Professors
do not have regular office hours after the last class. Make sure to
get in touch before classes end if you have an important issues to
resolve. All back work should be turned in before the end of the last
class. The late penalty escalates sharply at this point; papers turned
in after the last day of class will be worth a maximum of 1 point.
Work turned in at the final exam will only be counted if you have made
prior arrangements with me.
Apr 18 |
Part 6, Leighton |
Apr 21 |
Review & Catch up |
Apr 25 |
Final Exam
- 9:30 - 11:00 (not regular class time)
BONUS: What is this about?
to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the
first person has left
If you're graduating, congratulations.
Whether or not you are graduating, check
out the commencement address given by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. He
discusses dropping out of college (he never graduated), getting fired from
Apple (a company he helped start) and dealing with cancer.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
Ryan Holiday did not give a graduation speech but
I’ve hired my fair share of people now (fired them too) and having been through the ringer of young-person-just-starting-out close to a half dozen times, I figure I know it better than just about anyone. You’re scared but overconfident, clueless but eager to learn, just glad to be given a shot. I tried to think of a few things I wish I’d been told when I was just starting, things that would have saved me from screwing up. These are the things I still tell myself.
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