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Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault: 

(CRM/SOCL 560 & WMST 560)

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Dekeseredy and Schwartz, Male Peer Support and Violence against Women (Northeastern University Press 2013).

Lundy Bancroft. Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry & Controlling Men. (Berkley/Penguin; 2002).

Diana Scully, Understanding Sexual Violence : A Study of Convicted Rapists. (Routledge 1994). 

Julian Sher, Somebody's Daughter. Chicago Review Press 2013)

Additional internet readings are also required


Natalie Sokoloff. Domestic Violence at the Margins. Rutgers U Press (2005) 0813535700.

Sara Acker, Unclenching Our Fists: Abusive Men on the Journey to Nonviolence Vanderbilt University Press (2013) [book website w/excerpts]

Jeff Benedict, Out of Bounds : Inside the NBA's Culture of Rape, Violence, and Crime. (HarperCollins June 2004) [The author's previous book is Public Heroes, Private Felons: Athletes & Crimes Against Women.]

Laura L. O'Toole & Jessica R. Schiffman (Editor), Gender Violence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2nd ed (New York University Press March 2007) 

Friedman and Valenti, Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape (Seal Press 2008). 

Charlotte Pierce-Baker, Surviving the Silence: Black Women's Stories of Rape. (W.W. Norton & Company 2000) 

Hillary Potter, Battle Cries: Black Women and Intimate Partner Abuse (New York University Press 2008). 

Jody Miller. Getting Played: African American Girls, Urban Inequality and Gendered Violence. New York: New York University Press, 2008


Recommended video:Al Vernacchio: Why Pizza is a better metaphor for sex than basebal

20 Useful Videos to Engage Men in Gender-Based Violence Prevention Work

Schedule for Reading and Exercises 

The syllabus (.pdf) contains additional information about assignments and grading ~ More information on Plagiarism and citing internet sources.

week 1: 1/10 Introduction & Greeting The exercise from the first class - the article "Trains" about the guys and the young black girl was was from Men & Masculinity by Cohen. It was originally written by Nathan McCall and appeared in his book, Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America. More information on men's groups working to end violence against women and check out the Michigan Gender Equality Team

Violence Against Women

WP1: Dekeseredy & Schwartz, Intro + Ch 1 (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

In addition  

WP2: Read the World Health Organization's (WHO) Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women. Write a 1-2 page quote-reaction paper. Be prepared to give a brief presentation to the class on a section. 

Explore the power and control wheels at the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. WP 3:Identify one that you found especially interesting and print off enough copies for the entire class (17). Be prepared to pass it out and discuss what you thought were the significant points.

Please read syllabus for assignment format details.

My presentation: Understanding Domestic Violence: Why You Should Care, What You Should Know and How to Help 

Recommended video Andrea Smith: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide (google video)

Recommended: The United Nations' Internet Gateway on the Advancement and Empowerment of Women and see the main Human Rights Watch page for Women's issues

The UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific


If you are interested in additional examples: 

Resources on Intimate Partner Violence from the CDC (Ceners for Disease Control and prevention) 

ONE of Raven Kaliana's first, hazy memories is of her parents taking her to a professional photo studio, telling her to be good, and then leaving her with a child pornographer. In front of a camera, a man raped her. She thinks she was 4 years old.

Ke$ha has filed a civil suit against her producer for being sexually and emotionally abusive and financially exploiting her. Left Tennesee at 18, moved to LA, signed a record deal...

1/24 WP4: Dekeseredy & Schwartz, Ch 2; Bancroft Intro + Ch 1 (2-3 page quote -reaction paper)

WP5: Tactics of Coercive Control Used by Men Against Intimate Female Partners. Prepare a 2 page, single spaced quote–reaction paper emphasizing the items you were most please, surprised and/or disagreed with being there. Be prepared to present the highlights to the class.

Recommended video: Hosted by actress and activist Mariska Hargitay, and told by detective Deirdri Fishel, Telling Amy’s Story follows the timeline of a domestic violence homicide watch video ~ more info

Recommended: Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010 ~ Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2010 ~  Intimate Partner Violence: Attributes of Victimization, 1993–2011 ~ CDC The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey ~ Nonfatal Domestic Violence, 2003-2012

1 in 4 Women Experience Sex Assault on Campus 

National Network to End Domestic Violence Census of DV shelters. [16 page full report. The 1 page summary for the nation and Michigan are a powerful way to share this information with others.]

Intimate Partner Violence in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods: "When Violence Hits Home: How Economics and Neighborhood Play a Role" (12 pp./ Adobe.pdf) discusses who is most at risk and details the role that economic policies and employment practices might play in reducing the risk of intimate violence.

Teen Dating Violence - prevention, intervention and other resources (Natl Inst of Justice)

Domestic Violence: A Month of Awareness but a Daily Occurrence ("I've been an emergency room doctor for 17 years - for me, every day is domestic violence awareness day")

EMU crime stats and policies

1/31 WP6: Dekeseredy & Schwartz, Ch 3; Bancroft Ch 2 - 3 (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

WP7: Read Why Some Battered Women Sometimes Stay. Briefly discuss what the most important points were to you, and review how she explains about loving someone who is abusive. (1 page single spaced discussion & review)

Recommended videos:

Tony Porter: A Call to Men 

Jackson Katz on Violence and Silence (why violence against women is a men's issue) (19 minutes)

Recommended video: Why domestic violence victims don't leave [16 min TED talk]

Recommended: He sent flowers so everything is OK (intense read) (alternate site)

Domestic Violence is Also a Workplace Issue

Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence: A handbook for the Juvenile Justice System to enhance assessment and intervention strategies for youth from violent homes.

Free Battered ~ local U of M clemency group for battered women

Why Doesn't She Leave ~ Coverage of 'Private Violence' documentary: confronting victim blaming Part 1 (11 min video) and Part 2 (18 min)

Economic Security for Survivors Project - see esp Law Enforcement Pocket Guide to Victim Economic Security ~ Survivors of Color,  Rural Survivors, LGBTQ Survivors, Adolescent Survivors, Older Survivors, Native Survivors.

Men Offer Abhorrent Excuses For Killing Women. Don't Repeat Them

2/7 WP8: Dekeseredy & Schwartz, Ch 4; Bancroft, Ch 5 and 6  (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

WP9: Due: 1-2 page paper outlining your term paper topic and the resources you have identified to do it. Please try to include both a short narrative about the issue and an outline of the main headings or topics you would like to cover.

Recommended Video: The dangerous ways ads see women | Jean Kilbourne

Jackson Katz, Tough Guise II is available for EMU students - sign in and watch]

Recommended: From the Domestic Violence resources at StopViolence, find the link to the Nashville Police Department and go to the “Guide to Domestic Violence and Risk Assessment”. 

When Survivors Reenter their Communities after Jail or Prison (National Clearinghouse for the Defense of battered Women webinar series)

Stalking Victims in the US (2012 Bureau of Justice Stats) ~ Stalking resources from victimsofcrime, CJ reference serivice, Natl Inst of Justice, ~ Working With Victims of Stalking - Podcast via Lewis & Clark Law School

Safety Net Project (Safe and Strategic Technology Project)

Practical Implications of Current Intimate Partner Violence Research for Victim Advocates and Service Providers (pdf, 260 pages)

2/14 WP10: Dekeseredy & Schwartz, Ch 5 & 6; Bancroft, Ch 7 - 10. (2-3 page quote reaction paper)


Recommended video: The sexy lie - on ojectification and self objectification [13 min video TED talk] 

Explore the following resources on domestic violence in various cultures and ethnic groups

Exploratory Study of Juvenile Orders of Protection as a Remedy for Dating Violence (pdf, 172 pages)

Klein, Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research, Part III: Judges.

The New Mexico Batterer intervention Task Force heard presentations from experts about the effectiveness of batterer intervention programs, and they have 12 hours of video online.

2/20 - 26 NO CLASS - Winter recess

WP11: Dekeseredy & Schwartz, Ch 7; Bancroft, ch 11 – 13 (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

WP12: Write a 2 page review and critical discussion of the Catholic Social Services (CSS) program, Alternatives to Domestic Aggression (ADA). Please make sure to include ADA philosophy, Program Policies and FAQ. Please organize your paper to match the three sections of the website you need to read and have heardings for ADA Philosophy, Program policies and FAQ.

For the session we will be observing, I'd suggest reading more about the domains and bases of accountability.] 

Visit to ADA batterer intervention program. Directions to Catholic Social Services

Additional background: Interview with Terry Moore, Founder and Director of Nonviolent Alternatives

When She Hits Him by Lisa Young Larance. Or, a longer scholarly journal version of this paper by the same author: Serving Women Who Use Force in Their Intimate Heterosexual Relationships: An Extended View. There is also a discussion with her on blogtalkradio.

ADA's workbook for incarcerated women who have used force  (facilitator maunal)

The Full Picture of Research on Batterer Intervention Programs 

Engaging Boys and Young Men in the Prevention of Sexual Violence: A Systematic and Global Review of Evaluated Interventions (or 8 page Exec Summary)

Domestic Violence Evidence Project

Fighting back against revenge porn

Domestic Violence by Police Officers - info from National Center for Women and Police ~

Jackson Katz: Eminem, Misogyny, and the Sounds of Silence

Beyond Punishment: What Really Matters About Chris Brown's Sentence


Wp13: Bancroft, ch 14 – 15; Scully, 1-2 (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

WP14: Cathy Winkler, Rape As Social Murder [2 page quote reaction


Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE), case study of the effect of sexual assault - PFC Schuette

Michigan Sexual Assault Benchbook ( has the latest information on procedures and the state of the law. 

Judicial Oversight Demonstration Initiative (Washtenaw County was one of three sites nationwide) more information about it here.)

What Happens to the Brain During Sexual Assault: the neurobiology of sexual assault and the effect trauma has on victim behavior (Natl Inst of justice Research for the real world series)

3/14 >


WP15:Scully, ch 3 - 5 (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

WP16: Read the Court Statement of Stanford Rape Victim. Write a 2 page quote-response paper on this material.

Recommended videos: Mask You Live In (Trailer) and Be A Man (Joe Ehrmann at TEDx)

In my twin sister's rape, there were many victims

How to make a rape joke

Aftermath: Violence & Remaking the Self

Surviving the Silence: Black Women's Stories of Rape (book at Amazon)

California's Highest Court Clarifies the Definition of Rape
( column)

A Maryland State Court Rules that Women May Not Withdraw Consent After Penetration: The Perils of Relying on History ( column)

World Health Organization, Sexual Violence Research Initiative



WP17: Scully, Ch 6, 7 & Afterword (2-3 page quote reaction paper)  

WP18: Go to “Campus Sex…With a Syllabus” (NYT 1/9/2016). Write a 2 page quote-reaction that includes following a link in the article. Please mention what link and include one to two quotes on that as well.


Recommended videos: What if bears killed one in five people?

Consent: It's as simple as tea. Our story of rape and reconciliation

Rape Perpetration: A Review of the Literature (48 pages - excellent) 

Stop Prison Rape or  Human Rights Watch: No Escape  

When I heard this on the radio yesterday, I said to myself, "This is it. This is the piece we can use to start discussions that get to the root of how difference is constructed as hierarchy... which is what women's oppression is, what gender is as a system of oppressive social power... and when there is no "difference," difference is constructed (you get to be the "wife," the punk) to construct heirarchy. This is where we can show men what it is like to be women... how rape as a constant reality (one more regulated than really prohibited) in the background serves to push all women into the perennial sexual-contract: protection in exchange for obedience." The Blog by Stan Goff: [Prison] Rape (The Huffington Post)

Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE) [overview of 2013 law provisions]

Rana Sampson. Acquaintance Rape of College Students.  

Campus Sexual Assault investigation report (NPR and Center for Public Integrity)~ Sexual assault investigations at MSU: a broken system, and the efforts to fix it (NPR) - to everyone who has been sexually assualted, Obama says he "has your back."


WP19: Sher, Prologue, ch 1-3 (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

WP20: The psychology of Male Rape (2 page quote-reaction paper)


Recommended video: Rape in the fields (immigrant women doing farm labor) Frontline, 53 min.

Recommended video: Kevin Bales: How to combat modern slavery (TED talk)

Recommended reading: Male Rape is no joke - but popular culture often treats it that way

Sexual Assault Advocate/Counselor Training - all modules online via US Dept of Justice Office for Victims of Crime; see also Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault

Sex trafficking: Lifelong struggle of exploited children (+ video, BBC)

Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Rape Victimization: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey (Natl Inst of Justice, 46 p .pdf). 

NIJ, Sexual Assault on Campus: What Colleges and Universities Are Doing About It (official version) or what The Daily Show has to say about the situation. 1 in 5 college women say they were violated (Washington Post 2015)

US Army: Sexual harassment/assault response and prevention (SHARP) - training video.

Sexual Assault in the military - annual reports from the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office

Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States. Institute of Medicine and Nalt Research Council.

Sex Trafficking of Americans: The Girls Next Door.


Wp21: Sher, Ch 4-6 (2-3 page quote reaction paper)

WP22: Read Locked In: Interactions with the Criminal Justice and Child Welfare Systems for LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Who Engage in Survival Sex. Write a 2 page quote reaction paper on EITHER the chapter about LGBTQ Youth and Law Enforcement OR Criminal Justice responses to LGBTQ Youth.


Recommended video: Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes (55 min video ~ more info)

Toolkit for Working with Men and Boys to Prevent Gender-Based Violence

Voice: Male (what began as the newsletter of an antiviolence men’s center has become an important publication chronicling the transformation of masculinities)

The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls' Story

How Coercive Sexual Environments Affect Girls Who Live in Disadvantaged Communities and What We Can Do about It 



Wp23: Sher, Ch 7-10 OR CH 13-15 (2 page quote-reaction paper that includes a short summary of what you felt were the most important points raised by the book)

NOTE – ALL back work should be in by 4/5 so I can grade them before I get all the term papers. Papers after this date are subject to a substantially increased late penalty. Depending on the number of paper and my workload, it may be necessary for you to receive an incomplete to give me the necessary time to grade them without holding up the grades for the rest of class. 

Amnesty International Votes for Policy Calling for Decriminalization of Prostitution 


The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community [website ~ weekly Blog Talk radio show]

Remember that Professors do not have regular office hours after the last class. Make sure to get in touch before classes end if you have an important issues to resolve.


final paper due / presentations (attendance expected)

When grading papers, I normally add a few sentences of comments in case there is a question about the grade. If you would like more extensive comments, I am happy to provide them. Please put a note on the first page requesting comments. 

National Institute of Justice The Sexual Victimization of College Women. (.pdf/ adobe acrobat file: 80 pages; NCJ 182369)

If you're graduating, congratulations. Whether or not you are graduating, check out the commencement address given by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple. He discusses dropping out of college (he never graduated), getting fired from Apple (a company he helped start) and dealing with cancer. (You can also watch it on YouTube if you'd prefer)

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Ryan Holiday did not give a graduation speech but

I’ve hired my fair share of people now (fired them too) and having been through the ringer of young-person-just-starting-out close to a half dozen times, I figure I know it better than just about anyone. You’re scared but overconfident, clueless but eager to learn, just glad to be given a shot. I tried to think of a few things I wish I’d been told when I was just starting, things that would have saved me from screwing up. These are the things I still tell myself.

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