Date |
Reading |
& Job Info
Sept 4 |
Introduction &
Greeting |
I would recommend bookmarking this page for
further reference. You may need to hit the Reload/Refresh button to get
the latest version.
Sept 9 |
Intro Reiman |
Sept 11 |
Part 1,
Two years after 9-11, when Bush said he
wanted Osama bin Laden
'Dead or Alive.' At the moment, Osama bin Forgotten
16 |
Part 1, Katz
your book, there is a reading by Katz on 'impossible attempts.' One of the
cases discussed is State v Clarissa. Your quiz will be: "What
were the facts giving rise to the case, and did the Supreme Court of
Alabama uphold or reverse the conviction?" (5 points)
18 |
Part 2,
Feinberg p 87 - 88 (skip section 4) & 92 (Mill) - 108.
23 |
Part 2, Drug
Santa Cruz Defies Bush Administration on Medical Marijuana:
City Hall Courtyard Will Be Medical Marijuana Dispensary for Victims of DEA Raid
WAMM, a cooperative run by and for patients (most with terminal diagnoses), worked closely with local authorities, strictly followed California law and local guidelines, and never sold marijuana to anyone. Nevertheless, armed DEA agents swooped down on the co-op Sept. 5, pointed automatic weapons at paralyzed patients, tore up WAMM's garden, and carted off operators Valerie and Mike Corral in handcuffs.
25 |
Part 2,
The reading by the International Committee
for Prostitutes' Rights contains a number of draft statements about why
prostitution should be legal. In a two page paper, (1) summarize their
case. In addition, you should (2) provide a definition of legal
moralism and paternalism and (3) indicate whether they rely heavily on
these, or use another general perspective as a foundation for their
argument. (10 points)
Sept 30 |
Part 2,
Oct 2 |
Part 2,
Corporate Violence
Oct 7 |
& catch up
BONUS QUESTION will be based on this
article and ask what two actions taken by Canada relate to our discussion
about paternalism and moralism.
Oct 9 |
on Parts 1 & 2. Please note that no one is admitted to the test after
the first person has left. (50 points)
Oct 14 |
Part 3, Kleinig;
Appendix on Codes of Ethics |
Oct 16 |
Part 3, Deception and
Influence - read Skolnick & Leo |
DUE On the Police
Ethics page, find the article entitled "A Continuum of
Compromise," which discusses the process by which some officers go to
become more corrupt and cynical. Write a two page paper summarizing the
main points. Please make sure you describe (1) what the phases of the
continuum are (2) what level of wrongdoing they entail, and (3) the mind
set or rationalization the officer uses to justify it. In the concluding paragraph discuss what you thought to
be the most important point of the article. (10 points)
Oct 21 |
Part 3, Entrapment - read
US v Tobias |
Oct 23 |
Part 3, Selective
Enforcement |
Read through the part of this law review article on
Driving While Black Matters. Examine Part III, where the author lists
six specific reasons. Your quiz will be: "Write down three as well
as their definition or explanation for why the author believes
driving while black does matter. (6 points)
Oct 28 |
Part 4, Lawyers’
Ethics - Haskell |
Oct 30 |
Part 4, Amar &
Cochran debate |
Nov 4 |
Part 4,
Weinstein, Kipnis |
Nov 6 |
Review & Catch
Up |
BONUS: Akhil
Amar, who argued with Cochran over whether defendants have too many
rights, has written a column for on the second amendment and
gun ownership. What's the argument in GUNS AND THE CONSTITUTION:
Telling The Right Second Amendment Story? It might be helpful to click
the link that says "Michael Dorf has explained more fully" and
information from that column can also be used to answer the bonus
question. |
Nov 11 |
on Parts 3 & 4. Please note that no one is admitted to the test after
the first person has left. (50 points)
Nov 13 |
Part 5,
Treatment of Inmates - read Gorman |
Nov 18 |
Part 5,
Treatment of Inmates - read Newman |
CLASS QUIZ #3: Your question will be
about spanking machines
(follow the link to the page - all the information you'll need to know is
on that one page). The quiz will ask about the interest in them, including
what some people see as the problem with whipping and how the spanking
machine could promote the administration of justice. (4 points)
Nov 20 |
Part 5: National Council of Churches on death penalty;
Nathanson, Reiman, van den Haag exchange |
25 |
finish death penalty |
Nov 27 |
Dec 2 |
Part 6, Strossen and Allen debate |
3 DUE: Virtual Child Pornography.
Read the column
at about the virtual child pornography case and focus on
the parts relating to Ashcroft v. The Free Speech Coalition. What was the
case about, what was the decision and how does it affect child
pornography? What was the Court's reason for their decision? (Hint -
the last two sections contain much of the important material) (10 points)
Background (you do not need to read this for the paper #3, but there
are good links if the topic interests you or you need material for a paper
on the topic for another class)
Dec 4 |
Part 6,
Reiman |
When you board a plane in the next year, your pilot may be armed. Make a call from a pay phone at the
ballpark, and it may be tapped. Pay for a sandwich with a credit card, and the transaction may wind up in an
electronic file with your tax returns, travel history, and speeding tickets.
These are some of the ways that the biggest reorganization of the federal government in half a century could trickle down into the minutiae of the
daily life of Americans. rest
of story
Dec 9 |
Part 6,
Seagal, Leighton |
Dec 11 |
review & catch up |
Bonus question: What are the issues
discussed in the
column about Cameron Diaz's topless photos? |
16 |
Final Exam
- 11:00 - 12:30 (parts 5 & 6) (50
to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the
first person has left