CREDIT: You may do either or
both options below. The my.emich assignment must be posted on the
discussion board (NOT) turned in; the other assignment is to be
typewritten and turned in.
reviewing and grading it before the final exam, so your work will
not be included unless it is in by the last day of class. If you owe
back work, that should also be turned in before the last day of
class and should be done before any extra credit.
Log on to my.emich.edu and go to
My Classes, then CRM 412, then the message board and EXTRA CREDIT
#1. Follow the directions there (and remember to post your response
on the discussion board)
Now that Americans fighting in Iraq have been captured and some of
them photographed, concerns have been raised about the humane
treatments of captives. As soon as Defense Secretary Rumsfeld
suggested that the photographs taken of American POWs violated the
Geneva convention, many commentators questioned whether there was a
double standard, because photographs have been taken of captives
held by the U.S. at camp X Ray (Guantanamo, Cuba) and they are
denied standing under the Geneva Convention.
In a 2-3 page paper, discuss how
the U.S. has treated others and how you expect U.S. soldiers to be
treated (in terms of actual treatment or photographs). Among the
ways to approach this assignment are to read
the following article on the interrogation of Al Quaeda suspects
- review significant parts and discuss if you think it would be fair
for other governments to treat Americans that way. Is
it acceptable to show pictures of captives like this (either by
Americans or our enemies)? The photograph at right comes from a
BBC story on truth and propaganda.
You can also approach this paper
by reviewing part of International
Humanitarian Law (IHL), the set of rules which seek, for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict. It protects persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare.
Your paper can be an overview of IHL or focus on a specific topic
(in addition to the link above, check out the Fact
Sheets on IHL).

you approach #2, please make sure to cite your sources by including
the title of the article and the full URL where the information came
Date |
Reading |
& Job Info
Jan 6 |
Introduction &
Greeting |
I would recommend bookmarking this page for
further reference. You may need to hit the Reload/Refresh button to get
the latest version.
Jan 13 |
Intro Reiman; Part 1,
Bazelon |
Jan 20 |
Jan 27 |
Part 1, Katz; Part 2,
Feinberg & drug debate (Trebach and Inciardi) |
1 DUE: In a two page paper, summarize the argument in favor of
legalizing drugs made by Trebach, and also summarize the counter argument
by Inciardi. Please give equal length to each side and indicate how this
debate relates back to Feinberg.
Santa Cruz Defies Bush Administration on Medical Marijuana:
City Hall Courtyard Will Be Medical Marijuana Dispensary for Victims of DEA Raid
WAMM, a cooperative run by and for patients (most with terminal diagnoses), worked closely with local authorities, strictly followed California law and local guidelines, and never sold marijuana to anyone. Nevertheless, armed DEA agents swooped down on the co-op Sept. 5, pointed automatic weapons at paralyzed patients, tore up WAMM's garden, and carted off operators Valerie and Mike Corral in handcuffs.
3 |
Part 2,
class quiz - be prepared to write down basic information about Virginia
v Black
court decided the case & upheld the law prohibiting cross burnings
10 |
Part 2,
Corporate Violence
1 [we will be covering material the first part of class and will be doing
the test after a short break] |
17 |
Part 3, Kleinig;
Appendix on Codes of Ethics |
2 DUE: On the Police
Ethics page, find the article entitled "A Continuum of
Compromise," which discusses the process by which some officers go to
become more corrupt and cynical. Write a two page paper summarizing the
main points, and in the concluding paragraph discuss what you thought to
be the most important point of the article.
Feb 24 |
Part 3, Deception and
Influence - read Skolnick & Leo; US v Tobias; Selective
Enforcement |
In class quiz -
read through the part of this law review article on Why
Driving While Black Matters and be prepared to write down three of
March 3 |
March 10 |
Part 4, Lawyers’
Ethics (Haskell, Schneyer); Amar &
Cochran debate |
info on Legal Ethics and some lawyer jokes
3 DUE: Read the
true story about the behavior of a lawyer, taken from a book called
the moral compass of the American Lawyer. In a 2-3 page paper, summarize
the facts and draw on Haskell to identify the specific rules that would
justify such behavior.
March 17 |
Part 4,
2 [we will be covering material the first part of class and will be doing
the test after a short break] BONUS:
Miguel Estrada |
March 24 |
Part 5,
Treatment of Inmates - read Gorman; Newman |
The text for the first edition of Just
and Painful is available online. |
31 |
Part 5: National Council of Churches on death penalty;
Nathanson, Reiman, van den Haag exchange; American Medical Association |
class quiz - be prepared to give a quick summary of the
101 reasons the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops opposes the
death penalty
April 7 |
Part 6, Strossen and Allen debate;
Reiman |
When you board a plane in the next year, your pilot may be armed. Make a call from a pay phone at the
ballpark, and it may be tapped. Pay for a sandwich with a credit card, and the transaction may wind up in an
electronic file with your tax returns, travel history, and speeding tickets.
These are some of the ways that the biggest reorganization of the federal government in half a century could trickle down into the minutiae of the
daily life of Americans. rest
of story |
4 DUE: Write a two page summary of the column
in Findlaw.com about the virtual child pornography case. What was the
case about, what was the decision and how does it affect child
pornography? What was the Court's reason for their decision? |
MSNBC had a good piece on 'child
erotica' - nonnude but suggestive pictures of young teenage girls;
there's also a link to the Knox
case where a circuit court decides nudity is not a requirement for 'lewd
and lascivious exhibition of the genitals' required for a child porn
conviction. |
April 14 |
Part 6, Seagal;
Leighton |
executions |
April 21 |
Final Exam
- regular class time ~ [info
for bonus]
to be on time because no one will be admitted to take the final after the
first person has left |